Subject: Re: Kernel Owned by ??
To: Austin Brower <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/06/1997 09:18:39

Here is what I have for mine:

  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  1418075 Dec  3 09:08 netbsd


On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Austin Brower wrote:

> Hello Y'all,
>      I finally got around to reinstalling NetBSD 1.2.1, and while not 
> succeeding at making my external HD usr while my internal root I come out 
> happy-ish. To my dismay everything seems to be slower than my last 
> installation. I telnet in and wait and wait and wait for the login: 
> prompt to appear.
>     But, I digress, here is my greatest question.  I recently ls -l'ed 
> the root and found that the kernel, netbsd, is owned by user 200 in group 
> wheel.  I know of no user 200 on this system and feel that something is 
> wrong here.  Is user 200 the correct owner of the kernel?
> Thanks,
>    Austin Brower
> __________________________________________________________________________
>                                  Austin M. Brower
>                                      "bobman"
>                  Director of Technical Services i.e. Server Techie
>                           for the M.S.A.D.#55 WebTeam
> "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher 
> regard those who think alike than those who think differently."
>              --Nietzche

  Mark Andres         E-mail:
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