Subject: Virtual Memory errors
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Schmitt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/04/1997 17:47:10
After installing NetBSD 1.2.1, I'm experiencing a recurring virtual
memory error.
The system:
Mac IIci
250 MB internal HD (SCSI ID 0; partitioned as 50 MB HFS (MacOS 7.5),
160MB Root & User, and 40 MB swap)
NetBSD 1.2.1
The error:
vm_fault(10b000,400000,1,0) -> 1
type 8, code [MMU,,SSW]:401074d
trap type 8, code=401074d, v=400000
kernel:MMU fault trap
[...kernel stack & register dump...]
pid=1147, pc=0x000b222e, ps=0x000020000, sfc=0x00000001, dfc=0x00000001
panic:MMU fault
Then the consle drops into the debugger. If I "continue" I get the
dumping to dev 401, offset 8
dump 67 66 [...] 52 area improper
Then it reboots.
One time I did a trace which came up with the following:
_Debugger(20eec,b3c5f,81dd50,400000,81dd80) + 6
_panic(b3c5f,22000,1,88,22000) + 34
_trap(8,401074d,400000) + 1c2
_addrerr(400000,22000,88,1,1) + bc
_pmap_enter(6c1a684,24000,5c000,5,0) + 26cce
_vm_fault(6c1a600,24000,1,0) + 820
_trap(8,401a64d,24f22) + 5d6
_addrerr() + bc
This first popped up in the middle of the night when no one was logged in.
Since then it has happened at least 3 times while running the configure
script to install ncurses 1.9.9g. as well as during configure/make of other
Also, once I got a somewhat different error:
Data modified on freelist: word 0 of object 0x6c1e800 size 36 previous
type VM object (0x14cae0 != 0xdeadbeef)
This froze the machine.
Any ideas? Could one of my SIMMS be flaking out? Problem with the swap
partition? Something else?
Dave Schmitt <>