Subject: PPP
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Avatar <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/02/1997 14:16:29
	In my attempt to set up a PPP connection through BSD I've run into
some problems. My school's linux user group has a ppp script that is
already configured to dial up and connect via PPP. I've edited the script
to perform in BSD (instead of Redhat linux which it's configured for), but
I seem to have problems reaching my modem.

	The script is set up to access /dev/modem, which I'm assuming
doesn't exist in BSD. I changed it to /dev/tty00 which the MacBSD slip
HOW-TO says is where the modem is, but when pppd tries to connect it times
out. The modem isn't being reached at all. The modem IS connected to the
modem serial port. Any guesses?

  "What really interests me *  Benjamin Shayne   * "God is a comedian,
   is whether God had any   * Production Manager *  playing to an audience
   choice in the creation   *  Micro Consultant  *  too afraid to laugh.
   of the World." -Albert   *    Space Cadet     *      - Voltaire