Subject: Re: Setting time zone; newbie questions
To: Balazs Barany <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/01/1997 13:52:19
> Hi,
> I have a less serious problem than Theo Schulze but it should be simpler =
> to solve, too.
> I have a Mac IIsi with Sytem D1-7.1 and the same version of the control =
> panels. My BSD kernel is a GENERIC 1.2.1. The booter is 1.9.4.
> I am unable to set the current timezone as suggested in the FAQ5 =
> (Administration).
> The time control panel shows the right time and the world map control =
> panel shows "Vienna" and the correct time difference (Greenwich + 1 =
> hour).
> In the Booter, I have a "GMT bias" of +60.

	Note that, if you are using a Booter version 1.9.7 or later
(I recommend 1.11.1b8 until I release 1.11.1 final), you can enable
automatic setting of this bias. (It uses the Map control panel's value)

> I tried to set the /etc/localtime to zoneinfo/MET, CET, Europe/Vienna =
> and Europe/Berlin. Nothing worked, BSD shows two hours more than the =
> real time is. GMT bias -60 wasn't correct, too.

	To check if it isn't the zoneinfo files, try something a little
further from GMT (UTC?).

> The other interesting thing is that the BSD time is about six minutes =
> behind the MacOS right after booting.=20

	I get that too.

| Nigel Pearson, |"People say I'm strange, does it  |
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