Subject: Re: screen mode
To: U-ki Kuroe <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/28/1997 04:17:51
Depending on the type of Mac you have, and the type of nubus card, you may
be able to benefit from my SLOTMAN kernel.  The Mac IIci, Qudra 700, and
Quadra/Centris 610, 650, and 800 are fully supported;  others may work, or
at most require just one or two addresses from the Mac's ROM to make them

On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, U-ki Kuroe wrote:

> I have been trying to install NetBSD/mac68k 1.3_ALPHA. It seems
> to be working fine so far, but I want to ask on screen mode.
> I use a 17-inch monitor. To change a mode of screen (640x480,
> 800x600, 1024x768), I select a suitable screen mode by switching 
> a converter existing between mac and monitor.
> NetBSD starts up with any screen mode, but it does not recognize
> an internal video card with 800x600 or 1024x768 mode. With 640x
> 480, NetBSD displays a message like "intvideo 640x480 (monochrome)"
> while booting progress, no message regarding with a video card is
> shown with other screen modes. I have /dev/grf0,grf1,grf2,...,grf9.
> Why? What's wrong?
> *my system*
> Mac     Quadra650
>         No additional card on NuBus and Quadra PDS
> NetBSD  NetBSD/mac68k 1.3_alpha, GENERIC-50 kernel
> Booter  1.11.1b5
> regards,
> ----
> Yuuki Kuroe

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Public Key fingerprint:  | E-mail addresses:     |
| Network Consultant |     0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0  |    |
| and kernel hacker  |     E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6  | |