Subject: Re: Trouble using 'cu' with modem on serial port -- help!
To: None <>
From: Tim Bessie <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/24/1997 14:18:24
At 02:05 PM 11/24/97 -0800, you wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Tim Bessie wrote:
>> At 12:25 PM 11/24/97 -0800, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>> >The only non-standard serial port mode is cdtrcts, which is a hardware
>> >control mode. It sounds like you're doing stuff which wouldn't need it.
>> I thouht there was another, similar-sounding mode, crtscts, or
>> something similar.  Are these all accessible via the 'stty'
>> command? Or do I have to write a program to do the ioctl()?
>Yes, there is crtscts, but it is a standard flow control mode (available
>on most all serial ports). cu doesn't know about it (nor, I think, does

When I implied "standard", I meant following SVR or Sun
standards, which usually involve turning on a couple of
bits in the serial port's minor device number.  I've never
seen anything like 'crtscts' or 'cdtrcts', as such, in
other Unixii I'm familiar with (most recently, I even fixed
the modem control code in the "Interactive Unix" kernel (now
supported by Sun, actually)).  Those features might have
BEEN there, but they weren't named like that, accessible via
stty, etc.

But thanks for all your suggestions -- I'll put 'em to good
use this evening.

By the way -- I've just put the file

onto some floppies to take home, to see if I can get the PB180
video memory mapping program fixed.  Is this (besides the usual
snapshots bits under 'snapshots') all I need to do kernel development?

Also, do you happen to know what parts of this tar file I can
remove, once extracted?  As it contains the source for all system-
specific code, I probably can get rid of a lot of it.

I wonder how long it'll take a 33MHz machine to compile the whole
kernel -- start it up in the morning and it'll be finished around
midnight, I'm fearing'. ;-)

- Tim

Tim Bessie