Subject: Re: NetBSD Freezing?
To: Erik Bertelsen <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/22/1997 14:45:26
Erik Bertelsen wrote:
> Maybe the time has come to declare the -n option as a mainly historically
> relevant option (but still leave it in the system). In the "good old
> days", before a single user boot started with / mounted read-only, it was
> necessary to be able to reboot with -n after running fsck, but nowadays
> I can hardly see any reason for the -n option to be useful.
> Anyway, it is an option of the kind that you'll never want (i.e. need) to
> use unless you really understand a lot about the file system to see why
> it is needed in a given case.
That's not entirely true, actually. There have been a number of cases
where I've managed to make a mess of something while in multi-user mode,
then shutdown to single-user mode and run fsck followed by a 'reboot -n'
to preserve my fixes. So it is still somewhat useful (although I admit I
prefer to simply boot single-user in the first place, fsck, and then go
multi-user :-)
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.