, "Tim Bessie <tbessie@eci.net>
From: #hea <hea@ix.netcom.com>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/21/1997 21:26:39
>> Does Apple simply refuse to release this information?
>Probably. They probably don't have this info in one place. I am having
>some luck in trying to get certain information from them because I
>happen to know
> a) that it exists, and
> b) where it is.
>If anyone has this kind of info, it's someone who's been working
>in the MacOS group forever and who's compiled the information as
>it showed up.
>At least, that's a guess.
>> Do any big-time Mac developers have this info?
>Doubt it. You don't get to be "big time" by depending on that kind of
>info... ;-)
> Allen Briggs - end killing - briggs@macbsd.com
My guess is that it may be in the ROM of each machine with no provision
for finding it externally. If so, you may need to keep ("shudder") a
table mapping memory map to cpu type. I hope that's not the case, since
that would be ugly.