Subject: Re: Problems with X11...
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/20/1997 12:55:09
> In reply to Bill Studenmund
> >> Which FAQ have you been looking at?
> I thought there was only one. The one that everybody refers to.....
And that one is.....
There _should_ be only one. It lives on, and I think also
at If, however, you are looking at a different FAQ,
say a copy someone made, then there is an obvious chance for confusion.
> >> In general, use whatever editor you like. You are, after all,
> >> the one doing the editing. :-)
> I am? Ok, vipw, thanks for that answer!!!
No! Well, maybe. vipw is for editing /etc/passwd (and /etc/master.passwd
since both files are inter-related and must stay in sync). Only /etc/passwd.
For ANYTHING else, use whatever editor you like. _I_ like vi, but that's
a matter of taste. If you prefer emacs, well, use emacs. If you prefer
ed, well, then we start to worry. :-)
Take care,