Subject: Re: SBC driver problem
To: port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG, Scott Reynolds <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/18/1997 11:23:59
I'm not I understand. I thought there was only one branch at the moment.
Where would I find this, if not in -current?

With GENERICSBC-46 through -48 I get a freeze whenever I try to access this
one drive, with either disklabel, hfs, or hfs-utils. It's a 3.2G Quantum
with 9 MacOS partititions + drivers. Except for that, NetBSD boots and runs
fine. Currently, I have a P636CD+040, and am booting NetBSD from a Noami
540M, partitioned into Root, Swap, Usr, and two small Mac partitions.

PPP is working, and I've now installed the sources from 11/15. I hope to
get sup working today. Am I to understand that 1.3_ALPHA is now different
than what I would get from building -current? Would this change you speak
of be in GENERICSBC-49?

Scott Reynolds <> wrote:
>Those of you who have had problems with the sbc SCSI driver since I made
>changes last April:
>I've had the significant changes backed out of the 1.3 release branch, but
>retained several bug fixes.  I've been running this code on my IIci
>successfully, and it should resolve the issues with certain LC/Performa
>machines that I know have been hanging during the probe for SCSI targets.
>The code will be available in today's SUP run, barring unforeseen
>problems.  I can make the change available to anyone that specifically
>requests it, as well.
>Please test this and report problems directly to me.
>PS - no, it's not being backed out on the development branch, at least not
>yet.  In spite of the problems, the -current code is more correct, and I'd
>like to finally track down the problem rather than back out to a buggier,
>generally less stable version.