Subject: Re: Color X server for 1.3ALPHA?
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/17/1997 19:34:53
On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 19:21:40 -0500 (EST), (Michael R Zucca) wrote:
> > > 
> > > Older versions of X-servers used compressed fonts (*Z), the new x-servers 
> > > use gzipped fonts.
> > 
> > That must be it.  You can gunzip the font files and compress them.
> I tried fooling with this stuff when I was trying to get color X going
> for my intvidtest stuff.

Doh.  Now you all know I don't really use the stuff...

> What we need to do is get the new X stuff working on color.

I'd say a stable color support in kernel should come first... ;-)

> It may be worth my while to work on the X server too, though I've
> heard the X server source is quite huge.

The entire server source, yes, it's huge, but hardware dependent part,
I don't really think so.  I don't know anything about XFree86, though.
My experience is strictly based on X11R6 (not 6.1 or 6.3).

> Where can I get a copy of the current server source that we are
> using?

By "current", you mean the one Scott put up on  Then
it's not available anywhere on the net at the moment, AFAIK.
