Subject: Re: tty setup kills multi-user boot-up
To: Johnny Chi-Lung Lam <>
From: Scott Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/1997 03:59:30
On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Johnny Chi-Lung Lam wrote:

Sorry, I totally forgot that the network stuff gets started after that.
That's most likely your problem.  Look at /etc/netstart and find out where
it's hanging.  That problem is usually due to not having an entry in 
/etc/hosts for your local machine and using it in /etc/ifconfig.??? .

I took a third look at your problem and realized that the output from ttyflags
is normal.  It's late, sorry.

(Btw I think this problem is addressed in the *BSD FAQ.)

Scott Smith 

"Besides, who the hell would use an MS keyboard on an SGI machine, they'd
probably take it back if they saw you doing that."   -