Subject: Re: Patch to Drive Setup 1.3
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: DJ Lo-Ki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/10/1997 18:26:49
>>What was the patch to Drive Setup 1.3 to make it not be picky about Apple
>It was not to "Drive Setup" but to "Apple HD SC Setup":
>Change the value of the resource 'wfwr' to somewhat other than "00" and it
>will recognize all SCSI drives.
>Bernhard Fuerst +++ +++
>          pgpPublicKey: finger -l

I've seen a hacked version of drive setup 1.3.1 which does this as well 
called Drive Setup 1.3.1+.

Lokke Highstein