Subject: Re: New X distribution
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/10/1997 09:28:11
Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> On 11/10/97 at 12:51 AM -0600, you wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure that the bug that prevented it from working properly on
> > the SE/30 was fixed this past summer when I went through the grf code with
> > a fine tooth comb.
> Cool. I'll see if I can arrange some space, then, and give it a whirl. I've
> got thirty megs free between two disks, and I can throw in an old twenty
> meg drive as well. If you have the information handy, can you tell me how
> much space I'll need for the unpacked files? Depending on how much I'll
> need, I might shift things around a bit on my filesystem. I can *probably*
> have a contiguous fifty megs somewhere, if that would do the trick.
It will probably fit within 50 MB or so. I _thought_ that I had the sizes
in the latest version of the INSTALL doc that I made up, but it appears
that either CVS munged it or else I screwed up :-( I'll have to
recalculate the sizes for the X distribution. I'll post to the list once
I've got this done (but my connection to is a bit slow
today, so it might be a while).
> Thanks in advance for the information!
> PS: Does disklabel work on NetBSD/mac68k yet? I'm just wondering if I can
> prepare that 20 meg disk under NetBSD, or if I'll have to do it under MacOS.
Disklabel doesn't work yet, so you'll have to partition it from within
NetBSD. You can use newfs instead of Mkfs, tho.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.