Subject: Re: Trouble getting X-Win up! (Part II)
To: BGW <>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/08/1997 09:35:31
On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, BGW wrote:

> Seems to be ok when I boot the computer. The problem seems to be the
> xinit-file. When typing 
>     ./startx
> it says 
>     ./xinit:No such file

Do you have a file called .xinitrc in your home directory?  The FAQ (I
believe) suggests that (1) such a file exist and (B) that it read somthing
on the order of

	twm &
	xterm -sb -geometry 80x24+0+0

Once you have this, and the path to /usr/bin/X11R6 added to your $path
variable, try it again.

Jeffrey Ohlmann