Subject: Re: multi User problem
To: Armen Babikyan" , "Scott Smith <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/08/1997 08:01:33
Armen Babikyan <> wrote:

>At 1:20 AM -0600 11/8/97, Scott Smith wrote:
>>On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, person1994 wrote:
>>> Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
>>> Usage: fsck [-dfnpy] [-b block] [-c level] [-m mode] filesystem ...
>>> Unknown error; help!
>>> Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:
>>Look at what your rc script is trying to do when it does that.  It looks
>>like someone made a typo in there somewhere.
>i have the same problem. i changed the partition type to ffs, hoping that
>it wouldn't want arguments, but it still does. is this a general new fsck
>bug or something?
>even if there is a bug in the rc script (i haven't checked), running "fsck"
>in single-user complains about wanting arguments...and it shouldn't...

Have you verified that you've rolled the changes into your /etc files 
when you upgraded from one of the early versions?  Most of us tend to 
forget to update the files in /etc when we roll in a new snapshot and 
some time ago this caused a rash of these "fsck" problems.  They all seem 
to go away though when one takes the time to incorporate thier local /etc 
changes into the /etc files that go with the latest snapshot they're 
trying to run.
