Subject: phase change errors
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/06/1997 01:46:43
After getting 11/1/97 snapshot and nigel's most recent booter (*b5) with
GENERICSBC#47, and having problems, i replaced /netbsd with the ncrscsi
GENERIC #47 kernel.
the machine booted fine, except fsck complaining because it wanted
arguments - no biggie there.
now the machine sometimes blurts out these screen-long messages or some
kind of error with the phase change of the hard disk. i wouldn't find this
surprising because it's ncrscsi not sbcscsi, but i ran an ncrscsi kernel
(NetBSD 1.2 GENERIC#1) with this drive for the longest time and never had
problems with it.
Anyway, here's a log of what i get sometimes:
--cut here--
scsi_show: scsi_main is running
REQ-ISSUED: 0 0x6d51000[8192] cmd[0]=a S=0 M=ff R=0 resid=8192 dr_flag=0
REQ-CONNECTED: 0 0x7991000[8192] cmd[0]=a S=0 M=ff R=0 resid=8192 dr_flag=0
Bus signals (7c/00): I/OIC/DIMSGIREQIBSY
Dma status (00):
phase = 0, busy:1, spl:2204
      0       scsi_main1
      1       scsi_select1
      2       tpio1
      3       tpio2
      4       scsi_select10
      5       info_transf1
      6       tpio1
      7       tpio2
      8       info_transf5
      9       info_transf1
      10      info_transf3
      11      transfer_pdma0
      12      waiting for interrupt.
      13      scsi_main3
      14      scsi_main4
      15      scsi_main5
      16      drq (out)
      17      write complete
      18      read a byte to force a phase change
      19      end drq
      20      scsi_main1
      21      scsi_main3
      22      scsi_main4
      23      pdma_ready0
      24      pdma_ready1.
Unexpected phase change.
--cut here--
anyone got any ideas?
  - a

 Armen Babikyan - -
               ----<insert lame quote here>----