Subject: Re: Booter documentation
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1997 15:50:46
> Hi ppl!
> I'm new to this list, so forgive me if this sounds stupid.
> A small suggestion concerning the docs for the Booter utility.

	Hi Svante. Thanks for the feedback. I'm always happy to try and
make things easier to understand.

>								There is a
> place where you fill in the name of the partition to boot from. As i have
> some experience with unix I assumed this to mean something like
> /dev/sd0a.

	I think it does. (I am away from the code at the moment)

> The fact that it actually implies something like
> "NetBSD Root & Usr" is not very intuitive...

	This style of name isn't really used by anything except low-level
utilities which deal directly with disk partitions. If you enter _that_
name into the Booter, it won't know what you are talking about.


	The partition numbering under NetBSD can be confusing for first-
time users. (or Linux users!) sd0a actually implies _something_ like
"the first SCSI ID which contains a root partition". Not very intuitive.
The Booter could be improved so that this mapping was explained a little
better. e.g.:

1) List both the 'Mac OS' and 'BSD style' partition names in the Booter

2) Have a pop-up window (like MkFs or the Installer) in the Booter, which
   lets you select the SCSI ID and Partition Name you want to boot from.
   The Booter could then display this information instead of the current
   cryptic string.

3) Include [a reference to a document which has] information about common
   NetBSD to Mac OS partition names in the BooterManual.

I am not sure that the Booter is the correct place to put this sort of
detail, however. What do other people think?


	The BooterManual currently says:

Partition Name and Root SCSI ID 
    The Booter needs to know which partition contains your kernel, if you
    are booting from the BSD/Mac68k file system. If you do not enter a
    partition name here, the Booter will make a few feeble guesses based
    on the SCSI ID you specify for your root file system. For best results,
    then, you should enter the name of the root partition (assigned when
    you formatted the drive) in the Partition Name box, and the SCSI ID of
    the drive containing that partition in the Root SCSI ID box 

	This could certainly be improved, at the very least it could give
an example of a valid 'Partition Name'.

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