Subject: Re: ip connection using pppd and pap
To: Brian Wildasinn <>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/31/1997 19:25:58
On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Brian Wildasinn wrote:
> I'm sorry, but the man pages for pppd are simply not sufficient for me
> to figure this out for myself w/o examples, and the extensive ppp faq
> for the bsd family seems to be mainly for freebsd which uses different
> ppp files, although i've tried the suggestion of using ppp.setup.gz.
I've thrown together a page of links to different PPP/PAP resources,
including also examples of the files needed in /etc/ppp. The URL is
> files, but nothing's working. Does /etc/ttys need to be altered to fire
> up the modem?
You do need to configure /etc/ttys to make tty00 a dialout modem. Again,
I refer you to my resource page and my example ttys.
If your modem is not responding at all, then the problem may by in
/etc/ttys or on the ppp-up script. I don't have experience with any
variety of modems other than my own, so I'm not the one to make
suggestions there.
Keep trying, however. I wasn't sure I'd ever get my configuration
correct, but eventually I did. Good luck,
Jeffrey Ohlmann
P.S. I welcome any comments/suggestions/additions to the resource page.