Subject: Re: SunOS binary compatibility
To: Steve Quint <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/28/1997 17:16:20
At 12:34 PM -0800 10/28/97, Steve Quint wrote:
>Just a few quick questions...
>Does "SunOS binary compatibility" really work?  Or is this just a bogus
>option in the configuration file?

I can vouch for it, it does work, but see below
>Does this mean I can run something compiled for Sparc on my Mac?  Or only
>if I'm running the Sun Sparc port of NetBSD?

No, you can't run Sparc binaries on a non sparc as far as I know, but if
you had the necessary Sun libraries, you might be able to run binaries for
the 68030/040 Suns on your mac. I haven't tried this however.

I have sucessfully run Sparc binaries under netbsd, Netscape for example,
but only on a Sparc.


>Thanks in advance
>"Always ... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is
>better. And twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad. And too
>much is never enough except when it's just about right."
>			-- The Tick

Stephen B. Salai                            Phone (716) 325-5553
Cumpston & Shaw                             Fax    (716) 262-3906
Two State Street                            email
Rochester, NY 14614