Subject: Re: Trouble getting X-Win up! (Part II)
To: SamMaEl <>
From: BGW <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/25/1997 12:53:19
Ok, I think the problem is somewhere else. I edited the lines
ldconfig -m /usr/X11R6/lib
to my rc.local
Seems to be ok when I boot the computer. The problem seems to be the
xinit-file. When typing
it says
./xinit:No such file
There is an xinit-file in /usr/X11R6/bin, "someone"(?) cant find it. Ok,
lets try directly with ./xinit. Wow, something is happening. This is the
: not found
-: not found
. not found
nf: not found
-X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't correct: errno=2
giving up (GREAT!!!! Ok, can't expect a miracle..)
./xinit:No such file...
./xinit:No such process...
I thougt I might have messed up the X-files so I reinstalled the
packages. Same result! Any ideas?
Ps: Someone complained about the 'xf86Config', I have never had any
problems with it!!!