Subject: Re: MkLinux DR2.1 update 5
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/24/1997 21:32:39
> Any idea who originally wrote linux's hfsfs?  What is (are) the opinion(s)
> of the author(s) with regard to NetBSD-mac68k?  According to the GPL...
>   10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
> programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
> to ask for permission.
> (additional info about when FSF grants permission snipped)
> Paul Hargrove maintains it, and may have written it.  I'm not sure. 
> There's even a mailing list,, for ppl interested
> in hfsfs.  Has anyone had any luck convincing Mr. Hargrove to give
> permission for redistribution under different conditions?

Paul (Hargrove) wrote it. As he received significant assistance from a
commercial software group and promised to keep his work GPL'd in
return, he doesn't want to break his promise. hfsfs stays GPL'd.  I
can't blame him. :-) He'd be more than happy to help a NetBSD
port, though (to the extent a Linux programmer can; mostly just
maintaining it, I bet).

I though hfs_interest was a general HFS-under-UNIX list. ??

Take care,
