Subject: Re: MkLinux DR2.1 update 5
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/23/1997 11:05:20
Bill Studenmund wrote:
> > > 	The "Can boot with Macos's VM enabled" looks interesting. I wonder
> > > if I can incorporate it into our Booter?
> > 
> > Probably...if they make the source available...but I don't think they do
> > :-(  Oh well, just have to go figure it out yourself ;-)
> I thought they distributed source for all of mkLinux?

For some reason, I don't think that they include source for their Booter.
I know that they distribute complete microkernel source, and of course
they _must_ distribute source for the Linux kernel...

Fortunately, the microkernel sources are not under GPL :-)

> > I'd like to see audio support and HFS support, myself.
> Paul and I hacked on one of the hfs modules, and got it close to working
> (there was a buffer cache problem). Right now, I think a better way to
> get hfs support would be Paul Hargrove's hfsfs module, which unfortunatly
> is GPL'd. I've had lunch a few times w/ Paul, and he'd rather not remove
> the GPL. The problem is that he received non-trivial help from a MacOS
> simulator company (he got to read their source), and they asked him
> to keep it GPL'd. There's a one-word reason: Microsoft. :-)
> I think our best bet is either use the h* utilities, or get hfsfs
> working, and just keep it an lkm.

Well, maybe in a few years when my kernel hacking abilities improve a
little, I'll have time to clean room it ;-)  Ah, what duplication of
effort...I was just reading about the latest updates to MacLinux (the
mac68k Linux project) and it's a shame to see people struggling so hard
with stuff we've had for several years now...but that's licensing for you.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.