Subject: Re: error with installer 1.1e
To: SamMaEl <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/21/1997 01:38:58

I think this one is in the FAQ, but here goes.  The SCSI Error #5 is a
phase error. You can usually get around this one by increasing the RAM
allotment for the installer program.  Try setting it to 10000K (or higher
if you have the RAM).

If that doesn't work, you can do it "manually".  In the installer, so into
the Mini-Shell.  Use cpin to copy the X windows files into your BSD
system.  For example:

  cpin xbase xbase.tar.gz

Then, you can boot into NetBSD and untar the files.  For example,

  tar -zxvpf xbase.tar.gz

You do NOT need to reinstall everything.


On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, SamMaEl wrote:

> 	Well, I just tried installing the snapshot from 10/04... I had
> been using one from late August along with the GENERIC-38 kernel, and then
> a few kernels Allen compiled for me to start on supporting my Comm Slot
> ethernet card. But, tonight I JUST finished installing the full system...
> base, etc, man, misc, comp, text, secr... all but games, and the
> GENERIC-45 kernel. Installed fine and dandy... I moved my drive's SCSI
> address from 5 to 1... I had been meaning to do that but didn;t want to
> mess with /etc/fstab problems.
> 	Anyhow, I booted the kernel and noticed it actually set my Q630's
> video address! So immediately I rebooted back into MacOS and tried
> installing X Windows! But, partway through the installation the Installer
> dropped into Macsbug. I killed it, and tried again... getting the
> following errors partway through installing the Xserver12G:
> -----------
> Error on SCSIWrite(), #5 (5 of these)
> Error on SCSIRead(), #5
> pos = 0, i = 11, fs = /
> alloccgblk: can't find blk in cyl
> ----------
> 	I'm not sure what to do.... I remember seeing that the kernel said
> my filesystem was not clean, and to use fsck. I remember that when I was
> running 1.2.1 a few months ago, every time I booted I needed to fsck...
> and with the snapshot from August, I never ONCE had to fsck.... but then
> again this time the first time I booted I needed to. Might it be a problem
> with mkfs? I also know that NetBSD has complained about my SCSI driver
> being unsupported.... it is an ncrsci driver, but I remember it not being
> the same as the ones listed as supported. I had it written down but cannot
> find it at the moment....
> 	It is a 1.3 GB Quantum Fireball external drive... 550 MB partition
> for MacOS, a 250 MB partition to hold all of my NetBSD tarballs and
> various packages, then about 350MB NetBSD Root, and around 40 MB of swap
> (I'm estimating here... ;-)) I do recall something about problems with
> drives over 1 GB... if the NetBSD partition was in the upper range, above
> 1 GB. 
> 	I don't really want to reinstall the whole thing again... so can
> anyone think of a way to either fix this, or at least get it to work
> alright until I get enough free time to reinstall everything?

Mark Andres                  E-mail:
          Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
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