Subject: Re: Afterstep & libXpm.4.7
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1997 17:05:06 wrote:
> I was trying to get afterstep installed and it insisted on libXpm.4.7
> which I found somewhere and ran through the installer to get it into
> netbsd.  afterstep still doesnt see the lib and whats more I can't find
> it myself so I can add it to my path. 

Well...I would have asked where you put the lib, but since _you_ don't
know ;-)  If you never happen to find the silly thing, you can use the
Installer to cpin the tarfile and then install it from the NetBSD side,

> Afterstep says something like(where dir is a directory like
> /etc/libexec/ ?) /dir/dir/ Afterstep libXpm.4.7 no such file
> or directory.

Yeah, that's what I would expect.  When you do figure out where to put the
library (I'd suggest either /usr/X11R6/lib or /usr/local/lib), you need to
add that directory to your /etc/ file (if you have one, if not,
you'll need to explicitly do a ldconfig -m /path/to/libdir in

> (Here is where I feel real dumb) I have never figured out how to get the
> find command to search through all the directories, only the working
> dir. I know I'm just not setting the correct flag. ( read those cryptic
> man pages, confused even more) Some of the man pages have examples, and
> makes commands easier to learn.  Find, however is not one of them.

Real easy :-)  The syntax is:

find <start dir> [options]

so, I'd do something like:

find / -print | grep Xpm

> Does NetBSD defragment the drive automatically?

Yes (well, I don't think that the 4.4BSD FFS really fragments in the same
sense as a MacOS HFS filesystem).  Read the appropriate file in
/usr/share/doc/smm/ for more info (more than you'd ever want to know,
probably) about the 4.4BSD FFS (fast filesystem).
> I'm still in my first semester of c++ so this is all a bit
> overwhelming.  Any help will entitle you too my first-born and a six
> pack of Surge.

AHHHHHH...not surge, no, not that!!!! ;-)

Well, anyway, I hope this helps.  Good luck!


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.