Subject: Afterstep & libXpm.4.7
To: macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1997 14:07:30
I was trying to get afterstep installed and it insisted on libXpm.4.7
which I found somewhere and ran through the installer to get it into
netbsd.  afterstep still doesnt see the lib and whats more I can't find
it myself so I can add it to my path. 

Afterstep says something like(where dir is a directory like
/etc/libexec/ ?) /dir/dir/ Afterstep libXpm.4.7 no such file
or directory.

(Here is where I feel real dumb) I have never figured out how to get the
find command to search through all the directories, only the working
dir. I know I'm just not setting the correct flag. ( read those cryptic
man pages, confused even more) Some of the man pages have examples, and
makes commands easier to learn.  Find, however is not one of them.

Does NetBSD defragment the drive automatically?

I'm still in my first semester of c++ so this is all a bit
overwhelming.  Any help will entitle you too my first-born and a six
pack of Surge.


Gerald Krall