Subject: NetBSD doesn't come up on my LC520
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mitsuru Arai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/17/1997 19:43:11
NetBSD 1.2.1 does not work on my LC520.
Please, tell me what is wrong.
Symptoms is as follows.
At starting booter, "NetBSD/Mac68k has not yet been proven to work on your
machine" message shows up.
After pressing "Boot Anyway", window changes into full screen.
Then after showing many of (at least full screen of)
db> Kernel:Illegal instruction trap.
trap ty0e 2, code = 0, v= 0
Kernel:Illegal instruction trap
Caought exception in ddb.
my mac stops.
LC520 with FPU added
12Mb memory, Internal 150Mb HDD and external 2GB HDD
System 7.5.3
NetBSD 1.2.1
Booter 1.9.5
Thank you in advance.
Mitsuru Arai
Department of Chemical System Engineering
School of Engineering / The University of Tokyo
Phone: +81-3-3812-2111 (ex. 7292) / FAX: +81-3-5684-3299