Subject: Re: Questions
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian Rollett <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/16/1997 22:56:17
On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, David G Taylor wrote:

> >Paul Goyette wrote:
> >>
> >> Hmmm.  I've got 80MB in my IIci, but both NetBSD and MacOS only recognize
> >> the first 64MB.  Maybe I should switch the 16MB SIMMS and 4MB SIMMS into
> >> the opposite memory banks?
> >>
> [snip]>
> >Hmmmm....that's kinda weird.  In general, from what I've read, you're
> >supposed to have the larger SIMM's in Bank A (the one closer to the
> >hard drive, I believe), although this was mainly back when people had a
> >lot less memory.  Are you using internal video, or do you have a card?
> >If the former, perhaps you're getting some weird mapping problems since
> >internal video uses part of Bank A memory.  What speed are you SIMM's?
> >(not that this should really matter...)
> >
> >At any rate, you can always switch the two banks and see (it's not like
> >you'll hurt anything unless you statically zap the memory).  And if this
> >doesn't work, I'll volunteer to take the extra 16MB off your hands ;-)
> >
> [snip]
> On the contrary, in the days when Apple wanted $196 for a 1 MB SIMM, you
> put the 4x 256k in bank A to support the onboard video, and the 4x 1MB in
> bank B to support OS. This is covered in a note somewhere in IM, first
> edition.  There was a noticeable speed up with this arrangement. This may
> lead to a net slowdown with large SIMM units AND onboard video in use
> together, since you force shared  memory use between video and OS, and
> video wins to yield glitchless video. I've no experience with > 32 MB on a
> IIci, but it would be worth knowing if the IIci can see beyond 64 MB with
> standard simms.

I have a IIci with 16 megs in 4 4 meg simms, and I had an interesting
experience - I am using a nubus card, so I have no need for the intvid,
and have no monitor connected to it. However, I noticed that when I
booted, it siad something like:
16megs memeory (12 megs usable) 
I recalled that someone had said whatever is in the first slot of the
first bank gets used for video, whether or not you like it, and no matter
how big the simm. Sure enough, when i switched the simms to the "B" bank,
the boot message indicates 16 megs of RAM, with no additional caveat.

just for general edification...


Adrian Rollett						5425 Forbes Ave.
Majetich Lab - Carnegie Mellon University 		Pittsburgh, PA					15217
Finger for pgp public key etc.| 