Subject: Re: Mail flow...
To: tcjam <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/13/1997 14:19:45
> I have something to say on this matter. :) If majordomo survived the
> recent mishaps with mail at Voicenet, including a period of three days of
> absolutely no mail getting in. And a recent switch to qmail. Then I would
> tend to think that the automatic "unsubscribe" that I saw with many of my
> other mailing-lists over the past two months is not very sensitive for
> this particular list.

This list has a fairly nifty feature on it that was developed to
make running the lists much easier.  If I recall correctly:

	If mail to someone bounces, a counter in a table is created with
		that address with a value of 2 or, if the entry already
		exists, the counter is increased by 2.
	Each time mail is sent out on a list, all counters are
		decremented.  If the value of a counter is then 0,
		the entry is removed.
	If the counter gets too high (>100?), the entries are removed
		and the address unsubscribed.

...or something like that, anyway--it's been a while since I heard about
it, and I didn't write it or critique it.  This is not a standard feature
of Majordomo mailing lists.  ;-)

This does penalize people on busy lists a little because they don't have
to be down as long before they've accumulated sufficient bounces to be
knocked off the list.


              Allen Briggs - end killing -