Subject: New ppp kit on puma
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/08/1997 13:58:28

I've made an incrimental change to the wrstuden.ppp.setup kit on puma.
Basically I changed the up and down scripts to look for UUCP- style
lock files. The main difference is that ppp-up and ppp-down will look
at the tty00 lock file. If you want to run pppd on two ports at once,
just make copies of ppp-down and ppp-up, and change tty00 to tty01
in both. Oh, you'll probably want to remove the resolv.conf.down
stuff from at least one fo the files, if not both.

Take care,
