Subject: Re: Booting a new Mac
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/07/1997 00:37:34
On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Henry B. Hotz wrote:

> Using booter 1.11.0 I had to do several things:  The machine first hung
> after the messages about video addresses.  I zapped PRAM, reset the mouse
> speed and turned appletalk back on and it got done setting up egret.  I
> zapped PRAM again but changed nothing and it got to identify the Asante
> Ethernet interface in slot 2 and stopped.  I took the card out and it
> booted all the way to single-user, but there was no recognition of the
> motherboard ethernet.
> So I put the Asante back in and checked the "don't disable VBL" box in the
> booter and it still hung after it looked at that card.  FYI this is the
> same physical card that worked just fine on a IIci under 1.2.
> So am I stuck?  Anyone got any suggestions?  Should I turn this machine
> back in for a Quadra 800 if it's still available?  I need a network
> interface.

I have had a similar experience with a Quadra 660av.  I have not as yet
had time to swap my asante ethernet card back into my IIci to verify
that the board hasn't gone bad, but I have had my machine stop just 
after the enet card identification.  I have also not as yet had an 
oportunity to examin etht source so as to find the precise location of
stoppage, but I have a feeling that it is going to be related to
turning on nubus interrupts.

Christopher R. Bowman
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