Subject: RE: Good Install
To: 'Allen Briggs' <>
From: David Lewis <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/27/1997 15:16:50

It has the DP8390CN chip on the board. How would I go about getting the ae driver to work with it?


David Lewis
VisionQuest Consulting

-----Original Message-----
From:	Allen Briggs []
Sent:	Sunday, August 24, 1997 11:25 PM
To:	David Lewis
Cc:	'MacBSD Mailing List'
Subject:	Re: Good Install

> Everything seems to be running great (I even compiled a new
> kernel), but I cannot figure out how to add the device for my
> network card. I seem to remember being able to un-comment it out
> in the config file when I built a kernel with NetBSD on a PC, but
> I don't see that on this platform. Is this one of the unsupported
> Ethernet cards? Are there any patches I can compile in?

Yeah, it's one of the unsupported ones.  Take a look at the card and see
if you can figure out what chip it uses.  If it's a DP 8390 or 83902,
then it's likely that we can figure out how to teach the ae driver how
to talk to it (basically the same as the ed driver from the i386 port).
If it's a 83932, then it's likely that the sn driver can be taught how
to talk to it.  If it doesn't fit into those categories, then you're
best bet (unless you're looking for a project ;-) is probably to swap
ethernet cards with someone who has an Asante or something...


              Allen Briggs - end killing -