Subject: stability:), shutdown -r :/, and X:(
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/1997 19:58:49
First, a hearty thank-you to all who have put so much effort into this. I 
subscribed to the list last November, when I first downloaded netBSD 1.2, 
and to my own amazement, have never had to post a question (I'm an RTFM 
kinda guy :).

stability - Mac IIcx, 8/100, Toby Frame Buffer video, Asante MacCon-i 
ethernet, running netBSD 1.2 (genericsbc-9) like a champ since late 
December. Perl 5.003 and Apache 1.2 compiled out of the box; also running 
Lynx 2.4.2. I was away while the recent "stability" thread was active, 
but three times I've had >50 days uptime, all of which were ended by a 
power failure (with no damage to fs!). Only problem is the recently 
discussed reboot problem - shutdown -r or reboot shuts down the OS, but 
does not reset the hardware, just leaves a black screen.

I aquired an SE/30 for home: 8MB, Quantum Fireball 1080 (FWB 1.8 driver, 
240 MB root & usr, 20 MB swap, rest MacOS), no ethernet (yet), hoping to 
learn more and someday contribute to the effort...
Grabbed the July snapshot and GENERICSBC-36, but could _not_ boot this 
kernel from Mac OS side, so installed 1.2 as on the IIcx. On a whim, I 
cpin'd the 1.2.1 dist kernel, and it booted fine, then the -36... so I 
mkfs'd and installed the July snapshot. Runs great - even got PPP working 
with dynamic IP and PAP (thanks, Bill).

Another bit on the shutdown -r: The GENERICSBC-9 kernel did the same 
thing on the SE/30 (reboot doesn't work), but the 1.2.1 and SBC-36 
kernels work fine.

Finally, I installed x, with the correct x server as mentioned in the 
FAQ. Set my path, invoked ldconfig from rc.local, rebooted, held breath, 
typed startx. Screen goes white, then says 'waiting for X server to shut 
down', and I'm back at the prompt.

Tried again, same thing, except this time followed by an illegal 
instruction error, and everything (X, xinit, sh, csh) dumped core... I 
thought maybe X has nothing to do, so made .xinitrc in ~:


rebooted and tried again. This time it took out the kernel with an 
address error. I was able to continue from the debugger, it dumped and 
rebooted politely.

I've tried a few more times, without changing anything; 3 times it just 
went away quietly, 3 times dumped core with seg fault or illegal inst, 2 
times crashed hard, once with VM error, once with MMU error.

Any ideas?


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