Subject: Re: kernel -current make problems...
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/1997 11:41:35
> > What's the easiest way to get the sources for a single program, like
> > config? I'm not sure how the ftp site organizes source, but I'll try
> > digging around. With luck each program will have its own directory, but as
> > I haven't looked yet, I'll find out when I get there. :) (In the meantime
> > I've simply repaired the file by hand.)
> Luckily, there is a separate tar file for config in the same directory as
> the rest of the tar files:
> I think.

That's what I thought, but not so according to a recent check.

However, when you sup the kernel source, you ALSO get the latest
config, config.old, make, and dbsym. In the sup dirctory with
sys, there should also be a usr.bin (w/ make), and a usr.sbin
(with config* and dbsym).

So if you sup, you should have the tools to keep building kernels. :-)

Take care,
