Subject: Re: need help installing on Mac IIci
To: Rahim Azizarab <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Josh Hope <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/15/1997 22:24:34
>According to the install how-to I need the following tools to build a
>NetBSD file system.  mkfs.cpt.hqx, installer1.1.sea.hqx, and
>booter1.9.4.sit.bin.  I am assuming that hqx is a compression program like
>gzip.  I have a program called stuff-it expander, can I use that to expand
>this file? or else where can I get the program that expands this file.
>What is cpt?, sea? and sit?  Is booter1.9.4.sit.bin an executable?  Do I
>copy these programs to mac extension folder in order to execute them.
>I read the install how to there is no mention of these points.

hqx is more like tar, although not exactly. It's name is "BinHex". It 
changes the binary data in a file into text data, so it can be 
transferred across UNIX or DOS systems without losing any of it's 
integrity. .bin is MacBinary files. .sit is StuffIt files. .cpt is 
CompactPro files. .sea is a Self Extracting Archive, which is an 
application that automatically decompresses itself...

StuffIt is the standard, almost, in the MacWorld. Stuffit Expander will 
un-BinHex files, however you need Exapnder Enhancer (that comes with 
DropStuff) to decode MacBinary files. 

StuffIt will also take care of .cpt and .sit files :)

And the stuff you download are normal applications (after you 
decode/decompress them)...

So, you just open them by double clicking on them to run them...

I hope this helps somewhat... :)
