Subject: some SCSI strangeness
To: Mac-Port NetBSD Mailing List <port-mac68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Sweda <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/09/1997 03:08:31
Background:  I've been running NetBSD on a Mac IIvx with a Daystar
040 accelerator in it since January.  I didn't have time to actively
track -current for a long time, but the last fully functional kernel
I compiled from -current was from 1.2B with the sbc scsi driver.
By fully functional I mean that the machine boots and I can use
a DAT tape drive (actually its a 4 tape changer).

Sometime in April I upgraded the binaries using a snapshot 
(probably 1.2D if I remember correctly), and the sbc kernels I compiled
would no longer boot (just hang at "sbc0 at obio").  No problem,
I just switched to an ncrscsi kernel, and everything was fine.

Or so I thought.  Apparently the DAT drive does not like the ncrscsi
kernel.  I didn't find that out until last week when I upgraded the
binaries again, and then tried to restore some info from tape.
It crapped out with a scsi error (something like "illegal request
data 00 00 00 00) and complained about not being able to set the
right mode.  Sorry for the vagueness, I don't have the tape drive
attached at the moment.

At any rate, I can't even get a -current ncrscsi kernel to boot, it
just panics when trying to mount the root filesystem:
(-current from 8/8, snapshot from 6/10)

root on sd0a dumps on sd0b
pdma in:cnt=-8146939 (0xff83b005) (pending cnt 32)

trace gives:

do ncr5380_drq_intr

Any ideas?

Oh, and one more question.  A while back, we played around with putting
the Daystar 040 into a Mac IIci.  It wouldn't last very long because
the IIci had non-contiguous memory, but the 040 MMU mapping code
had no provisions for non-contiguous memory.  I believe we tried hard
coding the memory, as an ugly hack, but never really tested the kernel.
Anyways, is this still a problem?


Sean Sweda                        :            Owner, Motor City Marauders            :   1994 Internet Baseball League Champs         :           