Subject: Re: ppp FAQ suggestions
To: G. Evans <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/08/1997 10:24:09
> How about making ppp detect when it has been disconnected and reconnect
> (as a command line option to ppp maybe?) automatically?  Could be included
> in the redial....  I dunno, just my 2 cents.

There are two things here. 1) is good disconnect detection, and 2) is
what to do about it.

1) Some folks have the problem that their modem cables don't connect
DTR to the modem. Thus they have to set clocal in the ppp options file
for ppp to work (as otherwide as soon as ppp starts, it thinks that the
modem's hung up already). Without DTR hooked up, ppp will have to notice
that the other side's not there (or that the modem's echoing everything
ppp sends). That'll take a while.

2) What to do about it. Right now, ppp runs a shutdown script. That
script can just as well re-start ppp.

I'll think about what to do to make it happen cleanly.

Take care,
