Subject: Re: :/ doesn't work
To: Kyle A. Schmitt <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andy Sinesio <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/30/1997 10:33:06
>HI I"m trying to install Netbsd for the mac 68k...
>I have a Mac LC II with 6 megs ram, and an acellorator card
>that boosts it up to an lc II (approximately) with an acellerator
>I installed sets
>base121 etc121 netbsd121 built the devices and then tried to bood...
>it hung, so I turned off v-mem and ram doubbler and tried to boot, and it got
>to a point where the screen was white and it lookied like netBSD was loading,
>it had some text on the screen and then it hung :/
>how do I get it to load up and run? Do you need more info?
>oh yea here are the settings for the booter..
Okay, first of all, what good is an accelerator that doesn't do anything?
I assume you mean it boosted it to an LC III.
Yeah, you need to have Virtual Memory *and* ram doubler turned off for
NetBSD to boot.
If you want us to debug your problem, give us more information. Simply
saying "it hung with some text on the screen" is not enough... what text
WAS on the screen? That way we know at what point during the boot process
it messed up.
Just an offhand guess, but the problem could be your accelerator card.
You might want to try getting a latest snapshot. Get the GENERIC_92
kernel from:
And get the snapshot tar archives from
You should get EVERY FILE in this directory and install them the same way
you installed the NetBSD 1.2.1 distribution stuff. If you get the same
error as before, then I'd guess the problem is your accelerator card.
But the port-dudes here would know more about that than I.
Also, try not to make as many typos... it's much easier on us. :)
Andy Sinesio