Subject: International keyboard survey...
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/29/1997 17:01:50
I was many people use international keyboards on their
Macs with NetBSD???  More importantly, do international keyboards have
their own ADB handler id's?  Please let me know what handler id your
international keyboards have.  The easiest way to tell is to look at the
line of the boot message that is something like the following:

adb: mapped device (?) at 2

where the ? should be a number.  If you have a US keyboard, it will
usually say

adb: keyboard at 2


adb: extended keyboard at 2

instead.  If you have more than one keyboard-like device, the "at 2" part
might be different as well (probably 15, maybe 14).

Please let me know if you can.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only for myself, not for my employer.