Subject: Re: Dayna ethernet card, hostname.ae0
To: Christopher R. Bowman <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/28/1997 02:46:18
On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Christopher R. Bowman wrote:
> csh (I had failed to delete a file) pax(scott? sais he committed a fix for
> this) and I think the ftp lib.  Mostly it is just warnings like unused

If the ftp problem is the one I'm thinking of (some warning about
yyparse or yysomething or other), recompile and install usr.bin/yacc.
BTW, the amd problem is supposed to be fixed as of Sunday's 9pm
Pacific sup scan, so assuming nothing new broke, the source tree
should compile. I'm doing a build now to test that out... :)

> The kernel I am using is GEDD-236.tar.gz from your web page as I recall it
> is a MRG kernel.  Is this the one that uses the July 26 source?  It is just

236 is from May something... 259 is the new one.

> I have 4 drives on my machine (I may only have 3 in /etc/fstab) and I have
> to fsck every time but I don't see this problem.  I can never get my
> machine to shutdown correctly.  On my IIci both the -h and -r flags to
> shutdown works correctly on my 660av, the shutdown command never reboots or
> get to a point where it sais I can turn off my machine, so I always have to
> fsck since the sync never seems to complete.  Does your machine shutdown
> ok?  Can you go multiuser?

The older kernels worked great for me; no probs fscking or anything...
the fsck problem just started happening sometime between the 14th and
the 26th. shutdown works fine for me though, as does multiuser...

> I have tried to reformat it on one of my NeXT workstations when I had it
> installed there, and I could not get it to format 512-byte, on my Mac Hard
> Disk ToolKit sais that the block size paramter is not changable.  I have
> tried to reformat it on my mac, as I said above Silverlining doesn't seem
> to know what to do with it, and FWB will reformat it, but won't do so
> 512-byte. I don't even seem to be able to use it as a swap device, and my
> current 100 meg quantum just ain't big enough to do much with.

Oh well... perhaps NetBSD would be able to format it 512-byte,
although I have no clue how. There's an "sformat" utility program
available somewhere (by a German fellow, I believe), which is supposed
to be able to do all sorts of nifty things, but I haven't gotten
around to trying it yet.