Subject: Re: Dayna ethernet card, hostname.ae0
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/28/1997 02:49:12
>On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Christopher R. Bowman wrote:
>> 1. where as I used to be able to reliably build the entire current
>>    source tree, my make continues to fall over in many places. I
>>    am well aware of what -current is, however I have a hard time
>>    believing that current has been this broken for several weeks,
>>    rather I believe that I am doing something wrong. (please don't
>>    refer me to the current users mailing list I am already on it)
>Where and how? :) I've been doing daily sup and builds of current, and
>things have been working (almost) without a hitch. There's currently a
>problem in usr.sbin/amd, but I applied the patch in PR #3919. There
>was also a problem in bin/pax, but Scott Reynolds committed a fix for
>it on Friday, I think. Those are the only recent problems I can think

csh (I had failed to delete a file) pax(scott? sais he committed a fix for
this) and I think the ftp lib.  Mostly it is just warnings like unused
variable (don't quote me on this) that I think causes gcc to report failure
because the -W flags are set to trip on even the slightest warning.  Thats
my guess, if I reexecute the gcc command that failed with out any -W flags
there is narry a warning or complaint.  I never really looked to hard into
it since mostly I figure that if I just resup someone will have fixed it
before I figure out what is going on, I have been doing that for a couple
of weeks now, and I keep hitting the same thing, I must have done some
thing wrong.

>> 2. Dave Huang was nice enough to put up his 660av kernel but it
>>    randomly hangs at some of the single user prompts.
>It boots into single-user mode, and you can run commands, but it randomly
>hangs? I've seen this with the direct ADB driver, but I think the kernel I
>have on my web page is using the MRG ADB stuff. I've put a new kernel,
>built from July 26 source up on my page (
>), if you (or anyone else) is interested in seeing if it works better.

The kernel I am using is GEDD-236.tar.gz from your web page as I recall it
is a MRG kernel.  Is this the one that uses the July 26 source?  It is just
wierd, once at the vt220 prompt in single user mode it froze, no response,
once in single user mode at a shell prompt I typed df and it froze before I
could hit return, breaking in to the debugger and typing trace reveals
nothing instructive and I haven't really gotten up to speed on debugging
kernels yet.

>For some reason, this kernel hangs my machine while doing the startup fsck
>if I have two drives in my /etc/fstab... if my fstab looks like:
>/dev/sd1a / ffs rw 1 1
>/dev/sd1b none swap sw
>/dev/sd1g /usr ffs rw 1 2
>/dev/sd0a /mnt ffs rw 1 2
>/dev/sd0g /mnt/usr ffs rw 1 2

I have 4 drives on my machine (I may only have 3 in /etc/fstab) and I have
to fsck every time but I don't see this problem.  I can never get my
machine to shutdown correctly.  On my IIci both the -h and -r flags to
shutdown works correctly on my 660av, the shutdown command never reboots or
get to a point where it sais I can turn off my machine, so I always have to
fsck since the sync never seems to complete.  Does your machine shutdown
ok?  Can you go multiuser?

>fsck -p will say that sd1a, sd1g, and sd0g are clean, not checking,
>then hang. I can't even do Command-Power to break into DDB, it's
>majorly locked up. Getting rid of the two sd0? lines makes it work
>though. I didn't bother looking into it much more, since I couldn't
>even get into ddb, and I didn't want NetBSD on sd0 anyways (I've since
>repartitioned sd0 and given the space back to MacOS :) It's pretty
>strange though... it was working with an older kernel (from around July
>14, I think).
>> 3. I am trying to install netbsd on a spare seagate I happen to have
>>    lying around here for my 660.  I have been able to install onto a
>>    100 meg quantum butmkfs will unexpectidly exits when trying to install
>>    onto the 248 meg seagate, I can even use it for swap, netbsd wont
>>    recognize it.  It works fine under macos.  Will mkfs and netbsd
>>    work with a 1024 byte block disk drive?  The drive can only be
>>    set to 1k block sizes not 512 (La Cie utilities freaks on this drive,
>>    I had to use another formatter.)
>I don't think NetBSD deals well with drives that don't have 512 byte
>blocks. Some fixes have been proposed (see PRs 3790, 3791, and 3792),
>so hopefully someone's working on it :) Would it be possible to
>reformat the drive to use 512 byte blocks?

I have tried to reformat it on one of my NeXT workstations when I had it
installed there, and I could not get it to format 512-byte, on my Mac Hard
Disk ToolKit sais that the block size paramter is not changable.  I have
tried to reformat it on my mac, as I said above Silverlining doesn't seem
to know what to do with it, and FWB will reformat it, but won't do so
512-byte. I don't even seem to be able to use it as a swap device, and my
current 100 meg quantum just ain't big enough to do much with.

>Name: Dave Huang     |   Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
>INet:   |   they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
>FurryMUCK: Dahan     |   dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
>Dahan: Hani G Y+C 21 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++

Christopher R. Bowman
My home page