Subject: Re: Dayna ethernet card, hostname.ae0
To: Christopher R. Bowman <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/27/1997 22:29:12
On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Christopher R. Bowman wrote:
> 1. where as I used to be able to reliably build the entire current
>    source tree, my make continues to fall over in many places. I
>    am well aware of what -current is, however I have a hard time
>    believing that current has been this broken for several weeks,
>    rather I believe that I am doing something wrong. (please don't
>    refer me to the current users mailing list I am already on it)

Where and how? :) I've been doing daily sup and builds of current, and
things have been working (almost) without a hitch. There's currently a
problem in usr.sbin/amd, but I applied the patch in PR #3919. There
was also a problem in bin/pax, but Scott Reynolds committed a fix for
it on Friday, I think. Those are the only recent problems I can think

> 2. Dave Huang was nice enough to put up his 660av kernel but it
>    randomly hangs at some of the single user prompts.

It boots into single-user mode, and you can run commands, but it randomly
hangs? I've seen this with the direct ADB driver, but I think the kernel I
have on my web page is using the MRG ADB stuff. I've put a new kernel,
built from July 26 source up on my page (
), if you (or anyone else) is interested in seeing if it works better. 

For some reason, this kernel hangs my machine while doing the startup fsck
if I have two drives in my /etc/fstab... if my fstab looks like: 

/dev/sd1a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/sd1b none swap sw
/dev/sd1g /usr ffs rw 1 2
/dev/sd0a /mnt ffs rw 1 2
/dev/sd0g /mnt/usr ffs rw 1 2

fsck -p will say that sd1a, sd1g, and sd0g are clean, not checking,
then hang. I can't even do Command-Power to break into DDB, it's
majorly locked up. Getting rid of the two sd0? lines makes it work
though. I didn't bother looking into it much more, since I couldn't
even get into ddb, and I didn't want NetBSD on sd0 anyways (I've since
repartitioned sd0 and given the space back to MacOS :) It's pretty
strange though... it was working with an older kernel (from around July
14, I think).

> 3. I am trying to install netbsd on a spare seagate I happen to have
>    lying around here for my 660.  I have been able to install onto a
>    100 meg quantum butmkfs will unexpectidly exits when trying to install
>    onto the 248 meg seagate, I can even use it for swap, netbsd wont
>    recognize it.  It works fine under macos.  Will mkfs and netbsd
>    work with a 1024 byte block disk drive?  The drive can only be
>    set to 1k block sizes not 512 (La Cie utilities freaks on this drive,
>    I had to use another formatter.)

I don't think NetBSD deals well with drives that don't have 512 byte
blocks. Some fixes have been proposed (see PRs 3790, 3791, and 3792),
so hopefully someone's working on it :) Would it be possible to
reformat the drive to use 512 byte blocks?
Name: Dave Huang     |   Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet:   |   they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan     |   dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 21 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++