Subject: Re: MySQL and mit-phreads
To: Steve Quint <>
From: Antony Chen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/1997 17:17:38
Steve Quint wrote:

> I have attempted to compile MySQL and noticed that a machine dependent
> file
> is actually missing from the MIT-Pthreads package.  I've written the
> person
> in charge of this package and never received a responds.
> I don't remember the name of the missing file, but it was in a
> directory
> where there are  machine dependent files in pairs. (i.e.
> x86.something,
> x86.somethingelse).  One of the pairs for m68k is missing.

Well, I'll try sending him some mail, but your missing these files:

syscall.S file for the mac68k platform
machdep.h for the mac68k
and one other file I can't remember.  (Hey, those of you reading this,
someone who knows the OS, write these files for pthreads...:)

Antony Chen
Vice President
Advantage Consulting and Technologies, Inc.
Phone: (810) 323-2990