Subject: Re: mac68k on LC520 setup
To: aeolian <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/24/1997 21:56:59
>My LC520 Specs:
>RAM:20mb (4mb soldierd on board, and a single 16mb SIMM module, which is
>the only non-stock component)
>HD:160mb SCSI Quantum (only 2mb for Mac, about 140 for root and usr and
>the rest for swap)
>mouse:apple adb mouse
>keyboard:apple std keyboad
Uhm, was there ever a 68LC030? I thought there were only 68LC040's.
LC means no FPU, which means you're out of luck even if you get stuff
working, because most unix programs require the use of an FPU.
So, if you do not have an FPU, I would recommend running MacOS until the
netbsd port-dudes get fpu emulation working. That way you won't be
wasting your time with a BSD system that can't do much at all.
Andy Sinesio