Subject: Re: can't recognize SE/30 internal video?
To: Nicholas Riley <>
From: Mike Eckhoff <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/23/1997 16:53:37
On Tue, 23 Jul 1996, Nicholas Riley wrote:

> [ preserving 310478 bytes of netbsd symbol table ]
> Bootstrapping NetBSD/mac68k.
> Getting mapping from MMU.
> System RAM: 20971520 bytes in 5120 pages.
>      Low = 0x, high = 0x1400000
>   no internal video at address 0 -- videoaddr is 0xfee08040.
> Done.
> Bootstrapping the pmap system.
> Pmap bootstrapped.
> Moving ROMBase from 0x40800000 to 0x9f9000.
> Video address 0xfee08040 -> 0xbf9000.
> The responses I read to other people went along the lines of "there's
> something wrong with support of your video card". SE/30 internal video has
> been supported for the last 3+ years, right? :) It works fine with serial
> console, displaying the above and:

I've had the same problem with the Internal video on my Classic II.  The
video support is there (at least for the Classic II and it's probably the
same thing for the SE/30 here) but it isn't in any of the standard
distributions.  I have found 1 kernel (an ADBTEST kernel from long ago)
that just happened to have the intvid code for Classic II in there, but
havn't seen anything else since.  It has become too big of a pain to have
to patch and recompile my own kernels on that old Classic II.  Nobody
seems to know why/when/where the code was taken out of the distribution
and if/when it will be returned so I have unfortunatly given up asking and
put the thing away to wait for Linux/mac68k to get useable in hopes that
it will contain support in the standard kernel source.

As a side note, I did check about a week ago to see if it was returned to
the source, and did not see it.  Just so it doesn't seem like i'm going
off without reason.  :)

I could be wrong, however, the similarities are there between your
situation and mine.



    Mike Eckhoff / Network Administrator / Wayne Public School District

                   'YES!' - Linux tested and approved.
