Subject: Re: Dynamic IP?
To: Christian Taylor <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/22/1997 13:52:59

Others have answered this, but I wanted to add a few comments.  First of
all, ppp does work under NetBSD.  I and many others on this list have it
working without any problems.  If you look through the FAQ, you will find
a reference to two different PPP kits.

There is also I page that I put together describing how I got PPP to work
for me.  Several people have said that it helped them, so it might help
you.  It is at


On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Christian Taylor wrote:

> Is it possible to get PPP working with dynamic IPs so if I disconnect, I
> can connect again without rebooting?  I know it works fine under other unix
> systems, but I can't seem to get it to work properly under NetBSD.  I don't
> have a NetBSD system right now (my hard drive got corrupted and I haven't
> reinstalled because of PPP not working right), but I want to install it
> again if PPP will work right.

Mark Andres   E-mail:
    Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!