Subject: Re: color lkm load panic
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/16/1997 16:49:51
I'm currently working on putting together an LKM to use the _entire_ MacOS
slot manager (not just emulate it, as the current LKM does, but actually
use nearly all of the ROM-resident routines). This, coupled together with
a few more routines to emulate MacOS ROM A-traps (like, _GetHandle and
_SwapMMUMode) will let us use nearly any Nubus board.
I'm still some time away from finishing the work, and so far I only have a
Mac IIci to verify ROM addresses from, but I expect to have an alpha ready
for testing in a few weeks.
Stay tuned...
On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, Michael R Zucca wrote:
> > macvid0 at nubus0: Spectrum/24 PDQ Plus v1.292
> This may be your problem right here. Your board may not be supported by the
> LKM. If it's not then odds are your card's ROM wants to poke someplace
> it isn't allowed to under NetBSD.
> Many cards are like this. Unfortunately, while the A-Trap emulation scheme
> used in the LKM is cool and sometimes works, it still doesn't work all the
> time.
> Eventually, an LKM for each card should be made that works directly with the
> hardware. The trouble is, while most cards work on similar priciples that
> are easy to figure out, there is alot of "overhead" code that has to be
> written.
> I'm currently working on supporting color internal video through hardware and
> part of what I'm doing is generalizing so that the "overhead" code is written
> once and then a driver for a type of video is simply a matter of doing a
> few simple things to the hardware in a couple of C routines. Someday, this
> code may be part of the LKM code and card support will come rushing in in
> droves :)
> But until that day you're likely out of luck!
| Paul Goyette | PGP Public Key fingerprint: | E-mail addresses: |
| Network Consultant | 0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0 | |
| and kernel hacker | E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6 | |