Subject: Re: color lkm load panic
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <71410.25@CompuServe.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/16/1997 18:26:00

>> macvid0 at nubus0: Spectrum/24 PDQ Plus v1.292
>This may be your problem right here. Your board may not be supported by the
>LKM. If it's not then odds are your card's ROM wants to poke someplace
>it isn't allowed to under NetBSD.

Hm...How can I find out if my board is supported?  It is not in the FAQ.  
Actually what is in the FAQ is a call from Colin on what boards are 
supported.  He does mention, however, that, "24-bit boards seem to have 
some trouble."  And, wouldn't the "non-support" show itself when I tried 
to run X and not at boot?

>I'm currently working on supporting color internal video through hardware and
>part of what I'm doing is generalizing so that the "overhead" code is written
>once and then a driver for a type of video is simply a matter of doing a
>few simple things to the hardware in a couple of C routines. Someday, this
>code may be part of the LKM code and card support will come rushing in in
>droves :)

I've been lurking for a while (my pleas for help on drive formatting 
notwithstanding), and I know that you have a lot to do in addition to the 
help you contribute to NetBSD/mac68K.  So, keep up the good work, and I 
am willing to wait.  (But, I am anxious ;-)



T. Sean (Theo) Schulze

"...determines to remain seized of the matter."