Subject: X problems.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/13/1997 15:59:48
<fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger><bigger>From the FAQ:

--cut here--

The left and right arrow keys, in conjunction with the option key, are

used for emulation of the second and third mouse buttons. This seems to

conflict with the up and down arrow keys under X, but a simple fix=20


=46rom Ken Nakata (

Included below is my .xmodmaprc file:=20


! This is an `xmodmap' input file for Apple Standard ADB keyboards.

! Automatically generated on Wed Jun 28 20:09:20 1995 by kenn with

! XKeyCaps 2.22; Copyright (c) 1994 Jamie Zawinski <<>.


! This file presupposes that the keyboard is in the default state, and

! may malfunction if it is not.


remove Mod1    =3D Alt_L

keycode 0x3D =3D  Down

keycode 0x3E =3D  Up

add    Mod1    =3D Meta_L

</fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger>and I just put the
following line in my


</fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger>That's it. Removal
and addition of Mod1 means I use the command key=20

instead of the option key for Mod1 modifier.=20

--cut here--

okay, i did this, but the up and down arrow keys do not work, until I
get a prompt in X and type "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc". My question is, why
wasn't .xinitrc read/executed/whatever? I am using tcsh, by the way,
would that make a difference? <<shrug>

Also, I have an apple keyboard II, where the option key and the arrow
keys are pretty far away from each other, to the point of almost
needing two hands.  How can I change this setting? Unless the command
key is used in X for something else, I'd like to use command-R for
middle button, and command-T for right button. i looked up some stuff
in the man pages, but i figured i needed "xev" to do this, and this did
not come with the standard distribution, and i didn't have any luck
finding it on NetBSD/Amiga.

This is also nit-picking, but are there any copy-cut-paste commands in
X? i remember dt having them, and they were fairly useful.

I am using the March95 xserver, and figured i should upgrade to
possibly alleviate some of the problems mentioned above. I downloaded
both the 960127 and the 950912 xservers, but had problems getting them
to run. The error messages scrolled by so fast, I couldn't read them.=20
Any idea what these messages could have been? I think I saw one being
about a device not configured.

Would this have anything to do with me running NetBSD 1.2 GENERIC#1

I'd appreciate any help; I hope I haven't worn out my welcome by asking
too many questions :-\


  - a
