Subject: Re: interrupts, was new serial driver
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/13/1997 12:07:40
[ clock lossage]
> doubt because of the extremely lame mac68k clock interrupt level.
> IIRC, when you're at splsoft*(), you're blocking the clock, which is
> going to affect the time, and process scheduling.  (Right?  Doesn't
> the clock interrupt at ipl 1?)

Probably. splsoft* does block the clock. Unfortunately we can't change
the hardware Apple gave us. :-(

Is there some way we can squeze the splsoft*'s between spl1 and spl0?
Maybe multiply all the hardware interrupt levels by 2 and add level 1
between 2 (hardware int 1) and 0 (hardwware int level 0). I heard an
off-hand comment somewhere that vaxen used to do something like this,
but I'm not sure... ??

Take care,
